Friday, February 1, 2008

Hunting Ethical

Being an avid hunter my self I could relate to this essay. Causey does a great job at bringing out bithe the hunter and the non hunters point of view. I personally have not looked to highly upon the non hunter side of things, all though there is something to said about both sides of the issue. I feel that neither side knows much about the others point of view. The non hunter wants every thing to be left to a natural state and let nature take its couse. The problem with that is the fact that humans have messed with the natural cycle so much that you can not just stop hunting and expect things bo be all fine and dandy. Sure eventually things will resume to a natural cycle but no with out a whole lot of cause in between. There are things such as human encrochment that have a sot more impact on wildlife than hunting does. Any place that is level enough to build on probably has a structure on it, or has a plan to put one there. Most of the places that are inhabited by people are wildlife winter range. If there are people there the wildlife will find a new place th winter. With more people than wildlife the wintering grounds will end up full of people and no place for wildlife. This is where hunting comes into play, with state regulated hunting seasons it will lesson the amount of wildlife that need to find places to winter. Now I am no saying go out and decimate a species of animal, but regulate and maintain the wintering grounds that are currently used by wildlife and do not allow subdivisions to be built on or near the current wintering grounds. With the hunting season this will help maintain animal numbers for the habitat that is currently available to use.

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