Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Beware of Drug Sales

Cherry does a great job in her essay getting her point across. Sher uses a lot of information that is available to common citizens, lie the Health Affairs and Journal of the American Medical Association magazines. Cherry points out drug advertisements on T.B. and in magazines as to the location of their use, but to support her essay she turns to the INCB, International Narcotics Control Board, and the FDA, Federal Drug Administration, for facts to support her concerns of drug advertisements.
Cherry, I feel, is very successful in using the INCB and the FDA as her supporting sources. Where better to get drug information than from a federal source. I do not think you can go wrong using a governing body to support your essay, as long as there is no corruption within the system, Watergate for example.
There are multiple sources of information on drug advertising. Cherry could have received some useful information from a study or a survey. I am sure there are multiple surveys out on public opinion of drug advertisement. If not it would not be hard to create your own. Of course this would not be solid statistics for the nation, but it would give an opinion at her location. Cherry did look at some poles that were published through Health Affairs and the Journal of the American Medical Association. She could have gone to a doctor to find out their opinion. She stated in the article that doctors are prescribing drugs that the patients want because they saw it on T.B. or in a magazine. There may be more to the fact that doctors are getting something from the companies that advertise certain drugs. Cherry could have made here essay more of an investigative rather than argumentative.

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